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Rek-O-Kut K-33H

Here is a superb example of a 1961 Rek-OKut K-33H. This table was sent to us by the original owner who bought it in March.1961. He had seen our work on the internet & thought he would explore the possibility of getting his beloved Rek-O-Kut restored. Well we didn’t disappoint him. This time capsule piece was meticulously restored from the ground up. The motor & linkage assemblies were all disassembled & lubricated. The idler was realigned. The factory solid hardwood plinth was refinished. The platter was given our mirror polish treatment. The original tone arm was stripped down & refrosted. The original fiber belt was replaced with a NOS one. Try finding an NOS belt for this puppy. Not an easy task, let me tell you. As a couple nice finishing touches we added a Orsonic Live Tone Platter Mat (super rare) As well as a custom made 800 gram mirror polished record weight. Needless to say when the owner of 45 years received it back he was almost in tears. I think we can all see why. Another job well done.

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